This site was previously developed by another agency, and they opted to host it on NetworkSolutions. This ended up being a nightmare for the client, and they had nothing but problems with speed, downtime, even getting ahold of support.

We suggested a migration to our service mid-2020 and the client agreed. Upon taking over maintenance, we ran a full security audit and found a PHP backdoor buried in the theme. It’s unknown who placed the backdoor, but after removing it we verified the site was fully secure. We locked down a myriad of administrator users and fully updated WordPress and it’s plugins as it was almost a year out of date.

We kept the previous design as the client was happy with it, but it began to give us issues about a year in as it was no longer an updated theme. We gave the site a quick facelift mid-2021 and got a noticeable speed improvement out of it. I wasn’t 100% satisfied with the new design, but starting from scratch would’ve been a significant investment for the client and that wasn’t feasible at the time.

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