My Services


Website Design

Does your new business need an online home? Or maybe you already have a website that just needs a facelift… Don’t be afraid to reach out!

Don’t lock yourself into a “website rental” service like SquareSpace or Shopify. There’s no way to migrate away from their service, and your focus should be on running your business.


Website Maintenance

There’s two common myths in this industry. One is that small websites aren’t targeted by hackers and malware. The other is that once your site is done, you can forget about it!
In reality, security and ongoing maintenance are vital, and should be included by default. They should never be an upsell or an afterthought.


Website Hosting

If I had a nickel for every time a client was unhappy with their website host, I could retire. They drive costs down by cramming hundreds of clients onto an underpowered server, and then rely on marketing gimmicks and upsells to give the appearance of good performance. In reality, these numbers aren’t representative of real-world performance and your customers will know it.

Need Some Inspiration?

Feel free to explore my standard services for ideas! These are my specialized areas, and I’ve crafted numerous websites focusing on these functions.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating
4 star rating

Reach Out!

If anything here has given you an idea for a new (or your current!) website, don’t hesitate to reach out! I’d be happy to discuss it with you and suggest the best way forward.